Installation is quit simple:

When you unzip the download, you will find three folders
1) Republic Farmingdale - KFRG
2) scenery
3) texture
Place the Republic Farmingdale - KFRG folder into your main Microsoft Flight Simulator X/Addon scenery folder and activate the scenery within FSX library, like anyother addon. FSX and windows 7 does have an issue with this sometimes, so if you cant install it from inside FSX, then download and install the freeware Program called Addit! Pro for Flight Simulator X, works like a charm. Just search it on the internet.


Take the files in the scenery folder (1 File) and copy them to your addon scenery/scenery folder.....not the scenery folder within the Republic Farmingdale - KFRG folder.....then take the files in the texture folder (4 Files) and copy them to your addon scenery/texture folder.....not the texture folder within the Republic Farmingdale - KFRG folder (if you do not copy these files correctly, the animated flag will look REAL BIG and positioned improperly on the ground).

If you have any questions or concerns, I can be reached at

Eric McCloud

===Special Thanks====
Jon Masterson for his Aiport Design Editor
This program has far enhanced the world of FS.

*Luis Sa for his SBuilderX
*Don Grovestin for his excellent Fencebuilder Pro Progam
*Sidney Schwartz for this Gmax models that he allows others designers to use
*Kevin B for Static Aircraft
*Jim Dhaenens for his custom made hangars.